
There are arguably few products that have as much positive impact on our health as Olive Oil does. The reason, Polyphenols, especially Oleocanthal and Oleacein, which are natural antioxidants scientifically proven to shield the health of those who consume Olive Oil.

Polyphenols’ chemical structure contains anti-inflammatory agents that act as a natural ibuprofen-like substance. In other words, polyphenols’ chemical structure resembles to that of an antibiotic, acting as a medicine to human organism and as a conservative to Olive Oil, providing resistance to oxidation.

Polyphenols therefore, according to thousands of scientific studies worldwide, contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress, cleanse the arteries, reduce total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad” cholesterol) levels in the bloodstream, while raising high-density lipoprotein (HDL or “good” cholesterol) levels, reduce DNA damage, reduce inflammation linked to diabetes and heart disease, successfully lower the inflammation linked to metabolic syndrome, may prevent or delay the appearance of Alzheimer’s disease, improve the cardiovascular system and lower blood pressure, balance the bacteria in our digestive tract, improve the overall immune system, and give to Olive Oil anti-cancer benefits. Researchers worldwide never cease to explore Olive Oil’s benefits. Recently they are even looking into Olive Oil's potential for improving cognitive function and memory.

The contribution of Polyphenols’ to our Olive Oil’s taste is a balanced but distinct, almost intense bitter and pungent (spicy) taste that burns the throat. This wonderful cocktail of anti-inflammatories and antioxidants has to be bitter and spicy: the bigger the «burn», the higher the content of polyphenols and therefore, the greater the benefit to our health.

Olive Oil, the Cornerstone of Mediterranean Nutrition

The Mediterranean Diet is a modern nutritional recommendation originally inspired by the traditional dietary patterns ofGreece,Southern Italy, andSpain. The principal aspects of this diet include proportionally high consumption of Olive Oil, legumes,unrefined cereals,fruits, and vegetables, moderate to high consumption of fish, moderate consumption of dairy products (mostly as cheese and yogurt), moderate wine consumption, and low consumption of meat and meat products.

Mediterranean Diet studies have long associated Olive Oil intake with longevity and wellbeing. In fact, an analysis of more than 1.5 million healthy adults demonstrated that, following a Mediterranean diet was associated with a reduced risk of death from heart disease and cancer, as well as a reduced incidence of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. However, a recent group of studies has provided us with a fascinating explanation of Olive Oil's cardioprotective effect. Olive Oil supports our blood vessels not only by providing antioxidants like Vitamin E, Polyphenols and Beta-Carotene. Olive Oil also provides our blood vessels with unique molecules that actually work at a genetic level to help the cellular walls of the blood vessels remain strong!

Let us give special emphasis to the fact that the Mediterranean Nutrition also recognizes the importance of being physically active and enjoying meals with family and friends!!!


Olive Oil is quite fragile and needs to be treated gently to preserve its healthful properties, flavors and antioxidants and to keep it from becoming a rancid health hazard. When choosing a storage location, one has to take into consideration Olive Oil’s enemies: heat, air (oxygen), and light. These elements help create free radicals, which eventually lead to excessive oxidation and rancidity in the oil that will leave a bad taste in the mouth.

The best storage containers for Olive Oil are made of either tinted glass (proper storage of Olive Oil includes protection from light since Olive Oil can become rancid from exposure to light) or nonreactive metal. Both are preventing unwanted contamination of the Olive Oil with packaging materials (as might occur, for example, with the use of plastic bottles in which very small amounts of plastic might migrate from the bottle into the oil). This is why plastic containers should be avoided; oil can absorb noxious substances such as polyvinyl chlorides (PVCs) out of the plastic. Glass tinting on the other hand, is not always a secure solution, protection depends upon the degree and type of glass tinting, with UV Tinted Glass Bottles offering the highest grade of defense. Tin containers also need a tight cap or lid to keep out unwanted air.

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